Why should you choose the 3 STEPS Program?

With over 40 years of experience working and interacting with others around the world, Kass is unstoppable. She always goes beyond the apparent solution and uncovers different and unique ways and paths that others had never seen were there. This program creates a space where you can discover new approaches to your current goals and go so much further with ease.

You will get support in challenging situations, and a variety of new perspectives, from around the world, with input from acclaimed colleagues who will join you on this 3 STEPS Journey.

It is designed in such a way that will nurture you, quench your thirst, and provide a safe platform from which you can create with more ease and soar into a future that allows you to feel more comfortable in your own skin and with others.

What are the benefits ?

With the 3 STEPS Program you can:

GENERATE benefits you never thought possible.

CREATE connections with yourself and with others.

EXPLORE how teams can work in a cohesive, productive and creative way.

MAKE a plan to activate your ideas and create a fulfilling life.

DEVELOP the life you want with your current activities & talents.

IDENTIFY the ways you can generate more, even if you are not working for a company or an office.

ACKNOWLEDGE your hidden talents and abilities.

DISCOVER the gift you are in the world and the contribution you can be and receive.

COMMUNICATE with your body and the universe being present in your life.

BE the magic that you are in your life and for the world.


3 STEPS Program – January 2022 Topic: BUSINESS

The beginning of the year is a great marker for starting new routines, changing old patterns and exploring new possibilities. Given the global circumstances that we are now living in, it’s a great moment to rethink the matters of our Business. The time is now for you to embrace all the newness and change that has come into our world. This is a moment where you are free to explore, recreate and reinvent your Business.

Are you ready to receive the possibilities that this new era can create in your life?

Can you embrace the multitude of opportunities and pave a new road that will work for you!

STEP IN and consider alternatives to your daily business. STEP UP to discover new opportunities so that you may then STEP OUT into this new world, not just to survive, but to thrive!

Join Kass Thomas on her 3 STEPS Journey to explore the simple and effective ways you can create newness and balance in your Business. Make it your Business to explore a new approach to Business and to create a life of fulfillment and satisfaction. 

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom on the 9th of the month with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic.
    2. Zoom on 18th of the month with Kass and international expert guest(s) on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.
    3. Zoom on 28th of the month with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share what this journey has been like and what new awarenesses you have gained and want to share.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

3 STEPS Program – Topic: Social Life

Join Kass Thomas on her 3 STEPS Journey to explore the simple and true ways you can be who you really are, and enjoy your SOCIAL LIFE, not only during the holidays, but each day of the year.

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The end of the year, the “Holiday Season”, is advertised as bringing cheer, hope and lots of social connection, but unfortunately, it’s not always the case. Your Social Life is made up of fun events, boring events and uncomfortable obligations. It consists of fancy holiday parties, work get-togethers and family visits which are moments that are meant to be bonding. You measure them by the amount of time, or quality of the time you spend together. Either way, it’s not always easy to relate or to be your true self.

Measuring joy and quality of bonds depends on how true you allow yourself to be in your Social Life. This year, why not try something completely different STEP IN and acknowledge your true essence. STEP UP and define how you measure and spend your time in the company of others, and what value you give to your personal time. So you can be liberated to STEP OUT and create an atmosphere of Joy!

Are you willing to explore your bonds to create stronger ties during your Social Life? Ready to recognize and acknowledge that you are the most precious gift you could ever receive and the most valuable one you could ever give!

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic;
    2. Zoom with Kass and an inspirational speaker with a Q&A session for participants;
    3. Zoom with Kass and an international expert guest on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

3 STEPS Program – Topic: Health & Vitality

Now is the time to heal thyself and invite the breath of life into every moment of your existence! Are you ready to invite HEALTH & VITALITY into every aspect of your life?

Know more

Treating every molecule of your body with a kiss and every inch of your environment with a smile is not always easy when we have varying aspects in our lives throwing us off balance. The balance of life is part of a continuous journey and it is up to us to decide which path to follow each day. 

How much time are you willing to dedicate to activating a routine of HEALTH & VITALITY that invigorates your mind and body and allows you to greet every day with strength? Be ready for the moments you will encounter on your journey. 

Get ready to STEP IN and take a look at your vital signs. STEP UP your existence to allow yourself to choose HEALTH & VITALITY! Then, STEP OUT to share and contribute your newfound energy with the world! 

Kass Thomas will accompany you, along with expert guests, to discover real HEALTH & VITALITY with your total being.

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic;
    2. Zoom with Kass and an inspirational speaker with a Q&A session for participants;
    3. Zoom with Kass and an international expert guest on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

3 STEPS Journey – Topic: Wealth

Is it time to unveil the riches of your life? Kass Thomas invites you to engage with WEALTH on the 3 STEPS Program and STEP IN and embrace your life.

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We invite you to STEP UP and go from survival to thrival. STEP OUT and tap into the beauty of wealth, the prosperity, and the possibilities beyond our reality.

Are you eager to know more? Go ahead, sign up and click on the “what do you get”  button below to see all the magical gifts the program offers.

For more information, write to customerservice@3STEPS.us – we would be happy to share with you the magic, mystery, and miracles of this 3 STEPS Program with Kass

Join us to explore new approaches to WEALTH.

What choices will create more for all of us, during these transformative times?

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic;
    2. Zoom with Kass and an inspirational speaker with a Q&A session for participants;
    3. Zoom with Kass and an international expert guest on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

3 STEPS Journey – Topic: Family

This 3 STEPS Program on FAMILY is a loving and inspirational journey that accompanies you on seeing the choices that bring joy and memorable moments to your family life.

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There is so much more that unites us than separates us. 

Are you willing to be present to create ease in your life while honoring yourself and others?

Is it time to explore different perspectives in relation to our parents, siblings, partners, children and our extended FAMILY dynamic?

The 3 STEPS Program gives you a variety of tools that allow you to choose how to Step In without discomfort, Step Up and acknowledge the gifts of family so that you can Step Out of your current state and see and be seen for who you truly are.

With the unique approach by Kass and expert guests, you will have access to choices that work for you. After your completion, the program will always be an accompaniment as it includes lifetime access!

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic;
    2. Zoom with Kass and an inspirational speaker with a Q&A session for participants;
    3. Zoom with Kass and an international expert guest on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

3 STEPS Journey – Topic: Career & Job

This 3 STEPS Program on CAREER & JOB is an informative journey that accompanies you while you take a deep dive into gaining direction and clarity for a fulfilling work life.

Know more

What are the changes You would like to see in your CAREER & JOB?

The 3 STEPS Program provides a process for you to Step In and see things from a different perspective. Step Up and gain access to more success. Step Out and thrive!

Our careers and jobs are things we do to make money and to find fulfillment. But too often this aspect of our lives leaves us feeling empty.  Wouldn’t it be nice to love what you are doing while creating a greater life for yourself and the world?

How can you recognize what works for you?

How can you add more pleasure, joy and fun to your careers and jobs?

Kass Thomas, who has had a few different careers and jobs herself, will accompany you, along with expert guests, to discover the paths that work for you on this Journey called Life.

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic;
    2. Zoom with Kass and an inspirational speaker with a Q&A session for participants;
    3. Zoom with Kass and an international expert guest on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

3 STEPS Journey – Topic: Relationship

This 3 STEPS Program on RELATIONSHIP is a powerful and nurturing journey that accompanies you on the transformation of relationships: with yourself, your body, your partners, friends, and colleagues.

Know more

What are the changes you would like to activate in your daily life? 

Are you willing to expand the possibilities for more ease in relating to others? 

Are you ready to explore different perspectives?

Step In, Step Up, Step Out – 3 STEPS that invite more pleasure, joy, and success to all the different facets of your life.  With the unique approach offered by Kass and her expert guests, the 3 STEPS Journey will create a path of enjoyment and harmony in the many relationships in your LIFE.  

Rest assured that your engagement with Kass will always be there for you long after your purchase and completion, as the program includes lifetime access

What you get
  • Access to the daily content on the 3 STEPS Platform;
  • 3 LIVE ZOOMS with fellow participants, Kass Thomas and Special Guests:
    1. Zoom with Kass and 3 STEPS participants to share in an intimate group where you are with this topic;
    2. Zoom with Kass and an inspirational speaker with a Q&A session for participants;
    3. Zoom with Kass and an international expert guest on the topic who will share their journey and give some tips and insight. The Q&A session will allow you to STEP OUT of the box and explore your unique way of relating to others with ease.

You can always send in your questions in advance and get the recordings, even if you can’t be on live!

And more surprise special gifts! How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?


3-Month Plan

Bundled for Best Savings!

MAGICAL MONTHS | choose topics on: Health & Vitality, Social Life, Wealth, Career & Job, Relationships, Family… more to come.

What you get
  • 3 interactive 60-minute zooms per month
  • Weekly challenges
  • Interactive bi-weekly exercises
  • Topic specific expert advice

6-Month Plan

Learn how to have a continuity of presence, and unveil your capacities with more confidence and ease in your life.

What you get
  • 3 interactive 60-minute zooms per month
  • Weekly challenges
  • Interactive bi-weekly exercises
  • Topic specific expert advice

1-Year Plan

Past the point of no return.
The 1-Year Plan includes extra private sessions and surprise bonuses.

What you get
  • 3 interactive 60-minute zooms per month
  • Weekly challenges
  • Interactive bi-weekly exercises
  • Topic specific expert advice
Extra Value for Money

This 1-year program is BEYOND COMPARE to two 6-month programs put together, as you receive:

  • 6 private sessions (valued at 2.700€)
  • plus a 2-day workshop of your choice (valued at 1.400€)
  • and 1 additional zoom per month. Besides attending the 3 Zoom calls per month as a participant, Kass will invite you to share your magic in different ways with the world. For more information on this write to customerservice@3STEPS.us

Not sure you’re ready to unleash the possibilities? Book your FREE 15 minute session with Kass. Send us a message here or fill out the Session Prep to  further customize your session. Let’s explore together! 

11 + 14 =

Kass Thomas uses the tools of Access Consciousness™ to create change, www.accessconsciousness.com